Maintain Your Self Care Routine in Three Simple Steps

I don't know about anyone else, but sometimes I find my self care routine slipping. It's easy to make excuses, or feel that we're not worthy, and then self care becomes low on our list of priorities. So how can you maintain your self care routine?
I've found a simple way to maintain my routine is by linking small and simple self care acts with everyday tasks that I do everyday. I repeated this over a week or two and it started to become a natural instinct, and didn't feel like it was forced or something that I could excuse. It just happened. So here are some simple ideas to link self care to everyday tasks. Feel free to comment below any other ideas that may help, or take a look at Banish Those Monday Blues for more self care ideas that you could try linking to your routine.
Linking Self Care
The first task I linked was brushing my teeth. Even on my lowest days, I can't not brush my teeth! These are two minutes when I'm stood still, in front of a mirror, with nothing but my mind – perfect! A great self care act to link with this is positive affirmations. You can tailor affirmations to tasks you have to face, providing motivation for the day ahead. You can use them to boost confidence. Affirmations can also be used to challenge negative thoughts that you may sometimes have. A positive way to start your day!
The second tasks I found good to link were washing up or folding the laundry. I think these tasks can become quiet tedious, so why not use the time in a positive way? Take some slow deep breaths and start to feel grounded. Then use the quiet time to list three things that you are grateful for that day, and one thing that you are looking forward to the following day.
Enjoy Those Everyday Tasks
The final task I've linked up is cooking. I used to enjoy cooking so much, but recently it has become such a chore! So I like to use this time for some mindfulness and really enjoy and experience the moment, instead of rushing through the task. I like to take some deep breaths with my eyes closed before starting, just to slow myself down. Try to concentrate on the sights, sounds and smells. Where you can, use your hands to break vegetables instead of using a knife. By doing this, cooking has become a relaxing and enjoyable experience, which stimulates the senses so much more!
Using everyday tasks, linked with self care, can not only help to maintain your self care routine, but also make a sometimes boring or tedious task much more enjoyable. Give it a try and let me know the results.