Give Yourself Some Self Love This Easter.

It's a long weekend and the sun is finally shining! Give yourself some self love – you deserve it!
I don't know about anyone else, but I am finally starting to feel like winter is over! The sun has been shining, I've actually opened my curtains and the summer dresses are out! So why is it so hard to give yourself some self love? I often feel guilty or need someone else's permission to treat myself or look after myself. But self care isn't selfish! We need to look after ourselves in order to be able to look after the ones we love to our best ability. So take some time out this Easter weekend for you.
Easter Self Love
These are just a few ideas to get you started on self love at Easter:
- Spend some time in the sun – either in the garden or out for a walk
- Enjoy some lovely chocolate – you don't have to go mad, just sit back and enjoy!
- Spend time with the family
- Take a quiet half hour to yourself – you could sit and read or paint your nails, something just for you
Give yourself some time this Easter for self love. It doesn't need to take up all the day – just twenty minutes to yourself can leave you feeling refreshed and ready to go!