3 Steps to Support Your Mental Wellbeing Whilst At Home

Times are strange! Things are changing around us so quickly, and there is so much uncertainty. So how can you support your mental wellbeing whilst at home. Try out the three steps below.
Set a Routine
I have been quite luckily in that I am still going to work during these challenging times. It has given me a sense of normality and a regular, familiar routine. For those of you at home, it is so important to set out a routine. Even if you have no where to go: get up at a normal time, shower and get dressed, and get productive! On my days off I always feel so much worse if I just laze around all day. I start to feel lethargic and grumpy! So make yourself a schedule and try to stick to it. Make sure to include a little exercise, or some outside time, to keep yourself feeling super healthy. There are plenty of online classes popping up, so you can still get that dance fix and keep your practise up to date.
Having said all that, it's really important that you listen to your own body. Everybody is different, and will be reacting differently to the situation around them. If you need to take a day off from the housework or homework, then do it. And don't feel guilty! If you've had little projects waiting to be completed for months, and you feel able to do them, then great! But don't feel guilty if you just don't feel in the right head space to do them. This is not a competition!
Focus on Self Care
It's when we're most in need of it that we tend to forget about our own self care. Right now, it is even more important than ever. If you know what works for you, then get it in your schedule. It doesn't have to take up loads of your time, but it does need to focus on you and your own wellbeing. If you need some ideas or new things to try, take a look at these simple self care tips.
I don't know about anyone else, but this last week has been an emotional rollercoaster. It's important to know that this is normal, and you are not alone. The situation is going to continue, and our feelings are going to carry on bubbling up to the surface. So a helpful tool to support your mental wellbeing whilst at home would be to start a journal. Note your emotions down, and accept them. It's perfectly ok to feel what you are feeling.
Take a Break
And finally – possibly the most impactful step of all: Take a break from technology. The internet is filled with news, stories and images of the situation unfolding around us. It's important that we know what's going on, but we shouldn't flood ourselves with it. There is a lot of unsupported information out there, and when it is constantly in our feeds it can be extremely overwhelming. So take a break. Decide what news source you trust, and only look at that. Limit your time on social media, or take a break completely.
I hope this helps some of you that are struggling at home right now. It's not easy. I am so thankful for the technology we have right now – being able to video call friends and family, and stay connected is such a valuable thing. Today I feel a little more positive, though who knows what emotions tomorrow may bring. If you really need to talk to someone, please don't hesitate to contact the Samaritans, they are there for just that. I am now off to work on a photography project that I finally feel in the right head space to do – Creativity being another booster for mental wellbeing. Stay safe.